Chapter three of the Book of Genesis underscores just how important it is to believe in God’s Word. Had Adam and Eve believed in God absolutely and trusted in His Word without falling into their own thoughts, they would have stood against the Devil when he came to tempt them, saying, “What are you talking about? Stop spewing out such nonsense! Don’t slander God! God is not evil. I believe in Him!” Eve would have also said, “If I eat of the tree of the knowledge of God, I will surely die,” and then the Devil would have fled, realizing, “Oh, no! I tried to deceive but my tricks aren’t working!”
However, Eve said instead, “Lest you die,” and so Satan thought, “Yes! You don’t believe in God’s Word! You are my prey now!” and the Devil blew doubts into her heart all he wanted. So, as the Devil said, “In the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God,” Eve was tempted by this and ended up eating the forbidden fruit, and she led Adam to eat it as well.
Because of this, mankind came to have a standard of good and evil different from God’s. But, is there true goodness to mankind? No, all that human beings have is just evil. In fact, we have no ability to discern good and evil, and there is nothing correct in our standard.
If we had a standard to discern good and evil on our own, wouldn’t this mean that we were no different from God? Human beings, having eaten the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, left God and sat on the seat of judge by themselves. We must remember here that the Devil was brought down precisely for this kind of arrogance, for trying to become God himself.
Only God is the One who exists by Himself, only He is true, and only He is good. Only His Word is the never-changing Truth, and only His Word is right. In other words, only God can discern good and evil, and it is His standard that constitutes the absolute standard of good and evil in this world.
As the Devil himself failed to become like God, he is now inciting us to fall into disbelief, and thereby hurt God’s heart, who loves mankind. Instead of being at the forefront himself, the Devil eggs us on to challenge God—this is the wiles of the cunning Devil. Since he is already doomed, he wants to take us down with him.
My fellow believers, faith in God alone is goodness. If there is any goodness to us humans, it is when we believe in God and trust in His Word. Only faith constitutes our goodness. None other than not believing in God is evil. All of us need to have the belief that God takes care of and leads all the lives of His people, from our brothers and sisters here attending at the Mission School to His appointed workers.
God leads us according to His time, provides for our needs in His time, trains us in His time, and sets us free from our weaknesses in His time. We are not here in this same place forever as we are, stagnant as faithless beings. One day, God will transform you. It is faith that makes you and me live. This is what today’s Scripture passage is talking about.
We have read and seen here how Adam and Eve fell into Satan’s temptation by not believing God. For you and me alike, we, too, will fall into the Devil’s temptation if we do not believe in God. Preaching the gospel to souls is also made possible only by faith. In fact, it is only by faith that we can live a victorious life. There is nothing we can do but to believe in God.
And we should realize that when we seek to do God’s work, if we are motivated by a desire to be praised by others, or if we only want to work under propitious circumstances, then we will not be able to do anything at all. Since faith grows when we rise up to our challenge, we should launch and carry out God’s work believing that under all circumstances, the will of God will be surely accomplished.
When we read chapter three of Genesis and analyze the cause behind the fall of Adam and Eve, we can realize that they fell into sin because they did not believe in God. We must remember that unless we believe, we, too, can very easily fall into sin. But what happens when we believe in God? We are freed from sin.
We believe in God, who is not seen in our eyes. And we believe in His Word. My fellow believers, it is this faith in God that makes us whole. We are fully convinced that that God will bless us His believers. And we are sure that our faith will lead many souls to be saved. We believe that God’s Church will be established all over the world by faith. We believe that by trusting in God, everything will be provided for us and all our needs will be filled. We believe that our lives will be made beautiful by faith. We believe that through our faith in God, we will become wise. We believe that whether our lives can or cannot be made righteous, wise, and beautiful, all depends entirely on our faith.
Faith in the gospel of the water and the Spirit leads us to a beautiful life. At the very end of our journey, when we look back our lives, we will come to confess that our faith in God’s servants, in His Church, and in His Word has transformed our lives beautifully.
We believe in the Lord’s righteousness.